Configure docker local Registry Proxy Cache

If you are running multiple servers with Docker daemon and each daemon goes out to the internet and fetches an image it doesn’t have locally, from the Docker repository or your private Docker registry. This will take extra internet traffic from your servers and resources. To avoid this extra bandwidth and servers loads, you can […]
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Enable VNC Console Access in VMware ESXi

The ability to connect to a virtual machine using a VNC client has been available since the early days of VMware GSX but is not officially supported by VMware. Use the following steps to enable VNC console Access in VMware ESXi host. SSH to the ESXi host chmod 644 /etc/vmware/firewall/service.xml chmod +t /etc/vmware/firewall/service.xml vi /etc/vmware/firewall/service.xml […]
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Install docker swarm and configure cluster

Docker Swarm is a native clustering for Docker. The best part is that it exposes standard Docker API meaning that any tool that you used to communicate with Docker (Docker CLI, Docker Compose, Dokku, Krane, and so on) can work equally well with Docker Swarm. That in itself is both an advantage and a disadvantage […]
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